Willow Creek Outdoor Management – Landscaping, Lawn Care & Maintenance – Evans and Augusta, GA

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Prepare Your Lawn Mower for the Summer

Prepare Your Lawn Mower for the Summer

Now Is the Right Time to Give Your Mower a Tune-up
When spring arrives, it’s time to prepare your lawn mower for the grass cutting season. As a homeowner, mowing is one of the most vital things you can do (along with watering, of course!) to improve your lawn’s appearance. And for most people – this means mowing your lawn more often than you may be accustomed to. This will not only improve your turf’s health but can also prolong the lifespan and performance of your mower. A healthy lawn will be green and lush all year with proper mowing.
To ensure your mower is in tip-top condition for the start of lawn care season, follow these instructions from your friends at Willow Creek Outdoor Management:
Mower blades should be sharpened.
  • At least two times per season, mower blades need to be sharpened.
  • The mower blades are sharpened to ensure that the cut is crisp and clean. This prevents any grass from tearing.
  • Do not sharpen the blade if you see large cracks or chips in it. Instead, get a brand new one.
  • The blades can be sharpened at home or in a local hardware shop.
Check your spark plugs.
  • Every year, you should inspect and change your spark plugs as needed.
  • If a spark plug is damaged or worn, it can cause the mower to not start properly, waste fuel, and make cutting difficult.
Change your oil.
  • Oil should be changed at least once per season.
  • Refer to your homeowners manual for the correct oil type.
  • Before you refill your tank, make sure to drain the old oil.
Clean the mower deck.
  • The bottom of your mower can become clogged with grass clippings or caked-on dirt.
  • To remove stuck-on materials, flip the mower upside down and power wash its deck.
  • To prevent disease spread, keep your deck clean all season.
Grease moving parts.
  • All moving parts, such as wheel bearings, should be lubricated.
Why is lawn mower maintenance important?
Lawnmower care is an essential part of maintaining a healthy lawn. Mowing can have a significant impact on turf health, even though it is often overlooked. Your mower blade may not be sharp enough if you see yellowed or brown spots on your grass blades. A dull mower blade could cause tears that do not heal, which can leave your lawn vulnerable to insect damage, disease, heat stress, and drought.
Let Willow Creek Outdoor Management take care of all the hassles associated with lawn maintenance. If you need lawn mowing services in Augusta, GA, Grovetown, Evans, Martinez or the greater Augusta area, we can help. Our lawn mowing services are part of our lawn maintenance program, including a minimum of 26 visits per calendar year. No contract required. Call us today for your free estimate.
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